Our Focal Areas
We offer services to the exploration and mining industry, focusing on community engagement with indigenous peoples, corporate social responsibility, and exploration and mining for diamonds.
The team leader is Jonathan Fowler. Other individuals are brought in on an as-required basis to augment and supplement the team.
Affiliated Groups
Professional Geologist in the European Union
Chartered Geologist (UK)
Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining.
Fellow of the Geological Society (GB)
Fellow of the Geological Association (Canada)

Meet Jonathan Fowler
Holds a B.SC. (Special) Honours in geology, together with M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in geology from the University of London. Jonathan worked for over 46 years with De Beers and was involved in most aspects of diamond exploration and mining. More recently, he has been involved in community engagement with indigenous peoples and helped build up De Beers Canada’s capacity in this regard. Skills and experience are in three main areas. Jonathan retired from De Beers in November 2014 and has been an independent consultant since then.
Community Engagement
For early-stage community engagement and consultation and more detailed in-depth consultation and negotiation of agreements for exploration, evaluation and operations. Negotiation experience includes negotiation of five of the seven impacts and benefit agreements for De Beers Canadian diamond mines and also in the negotiation of over 20 early-stage exploration agreements. Experience in implementing agreements and in issue resolution with indigenous communities has proved very helpful in many instances —formulation of strategic and operational plans for implementation of community engagement with indigenous peoples. Experience includes working with indigenous peoples in Canada, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia, and developing a set of protocols for community engagement with indigenous peoples.

Corporate Social Responsibility, ESG, and Sustainability
Relating to exploration and mining companies, to building capacity within indigenous communities. Experience includes training programmes, employment and business opportunities, environmental protection and protection of traditional and cultural values and integration of these to provide sustainability for companies and communities where we work. Implement corporate reporting for the Global Reporting Initiative, familiarity with the ISO26000 guidance on social responsibility and implementation of De Beers Best Practice Principles and the Council for Responsible Jewellery practices to ensure customer confidence. Implementing a Business Integrity Programme, the Anglo American Social Way at De Beers Canada, including implementation of the Anglo American’s Socio-Economic Assessment Toolbox (“SEAT”) and preparation of the first SEAT reports for two mines. We are conversant with he importance of sound environment, social and governance (ESG) factors for companies to manage risks and deliver responsible programs and projects effectively. Familiar with the social requirements of the Global Industry Expanded for Tailings Management (GISTM)
For exploration and mining for diamond deposits. This includes working extensively on both marine and riverine placer deposits and includes most of the exploration techniques. He has exploration experience in a variety of techniques in arid, temperate, and northern (including periglacial environments) settings. Drilling experience includes working extensively with core drills, auger drills, reverse circulation and large diamond drill rigs for exploration and evaluation. Processing includes in-field and centralized processing for the recovery of kimberlite indicator minerals and diamonds for exploration and pilot plants. Evaluation experience includes trenching, bulk-sampling and shaft sinking for underground samples, and assaying to monitor mine production. Report preparation includes assessment reports, property reports and compilation of company annual sustainability and social responsibility reports. Geological experience covers Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Canada and Kalaallit Nunaat.

Miscellaneous: Other skills include
Familiarity with ISO26000;
Familiarity with GRI
Familiarity with Global Compact; and
Familiarity with environmental management systems for ISO14001;
Familiar with social requirements of the Global Industry Expanded for Tailings Management (GISTM)